The Noise Engineering Ataraxic Translatron is a linear feedback shift register oscillator that generates retro digital sounds.
The Basimilus Iteritas Alter is a 6-osc additive digital drum synthesizer with adjustable waveform, harmonic spread & decay.
The Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus is a crossfader module for Eurorack modular synthesizers with 3x probability curves.
The Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas is a Eurorack Oscillator with a dynamically generated wavetable, & features 3x modes.
The Noise Engineering Extra Mullet is a combining buffered multiple with up to 4x CV inputs and up to 11x versatile CV outs.
The Noise Engineering Horologic Solum is a voltage-controlled clock generator that also includes 3x divisor modes for offsettin...
The Integra Funkitus is an optional expander for the Horologic Solum that offers an extra seven outputs at fixed divisions.
The Noise Engineering Integra Funkitus is a rhythm generator that takes up to 4x inputs & modifies them into rhythm outputs.
The Noise Engineering Integra Solum is a dual rotating clock divider for Eurorack modular synthesizers with 16x trigger outs.
The Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas is a digital VCO for Eurorack modular synthesizers with 3x classic synthesis algorithms.
The Loqueric Iteritas Percido is a digital VCO with 3x classic algorithms involving dual pitch control via 4x tone controls.
The Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas is an oscillator for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format for basses, leads & drums.